Corporate Governance
CL Group pays great attention to corporate governance. The Group is committed to conducting business in a responsible manner and implementing good corporate governance practices, which will help the Group and shareholders maximize long-term interests.
CL Group adopts rigorous corporate governance standards and maintains a high level of corporate transparency by releasing information in a timely manner, which not only protects shareholders interests but also strengthens the bond of trust with its shareholders and the public. Therefore, the Board of Directors continues to monitor and review the Group’s corporate governance practices to ensure its compliance with the Code on Corporate Governance Practices.
The Group has set up an Audit Committee to ensure proper reporting and adequate internal controls. In addition, Remuneration and Nomination Committees were also established.
Audit Committee
The Group established its Audit Committee to review and supervise the financial reporting process and internal control system. It also provides advices and recommendations to the Board of Directors. The committee comprises: Mr. Poon Wing Chuen, Mr. Hu Chao and Mr. Wang Rongqian. Mr. Poon Wing Chuen is the Chairman of the committee.
Remuneration Committee
The Group established its Remuneration Committee to evaluate the performance of the Directors and senior management and make recommendations on their salary and remuneration package. The committee comprises: Mr. Wang Rongqian, Mr. Poon Wing Chuen and Mr. Lau Kin Hon. Mr. Wang Rongqian is the Chairman of the committee.
Nomination Committee
The Group established its Nomination Committee to nominate potential candidates for directorship, review the nomination of directors and make recommendations to the Board on terms of such appointment. The committee comprises: Mr. Hu Chao, Mr. Poon Wing Chuen and Mr. Kwok Kin Chung. Mr. Hu Chao is the Chairman of the committee.
Shareholders' Rights
Procedures for Shareholders to propose a person for Election as a Director